Starve the ego feed the soul

Monique Catesby
3 min readSep 25, 2020


How to realise the difference between your ego’s want’s and your souls needs

True Self Vs False Self

The ego is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and is sustained by power, because it lives in fear. — Deepak Chopra

Conditioned by society

From the moment we are born we begin to move away from our true selves. Parents and society subconsciously mould us into something we are not. As we grow up we forget our inner child and what used to make us smile and move into the ego mind — the false self. Our false self is always the ego mind. Our ego is fed by us living in our false self, which we are not. Anytime you find yourself egotistic chances are you are now embodying your false self. The Ego moves us out of the heart space, to move back into your true self you have to become ego less.

“Only the heart can connect us, the ego separates. let love guide you not fear.”

Ego Self VS True self

As humans it is only natural to get defensive but the thing is if we have our guard up it is part of our ego coming out and it will move us more into our false self.
Growing up we were conditioned to live up to society’s expectation’s whether it is what we see in magazines or on the internet, Subconsciously we process this as what is right and start to compare ourselves with other’s based on physical aspects. Moving us out of the heart centre and living as a false version of our self. We have relied on our ego for so long as a false sense of protection. It is a paradigm, The only way to change this is by shifting the ego mindset and moving back into the heart centre.

When we crave other people’s attention we will generally not attract the right sort of people into our lives whether it is our social or personal life, you get what you give and if we live from an ego mindset — our false self — this is exactly what we will attract back.

Belief vs emotion

Really we are not 100% happy when we are living from the ego. Most of us do not know who we are because of how society has conditioned our thinking growing up. We care to much about what other people think and this is what is holding most of us back, because of fear of embarrassment or fear of not fitting in.

We are all equal, we are not higher or lower than no one!

Once we stop caring what other people think of us we truly become free.
Our true self is a valuable part of our self.


You can not create anything positive and long lasting without integrity. By living and embodying your false self you are living with no integrity. It is important to always stay true to yourself, and love your self and your own company. No body will truly love you unless you love yourself. When you are living within your heart centre, which is your true self your life just begins to flow. You start to see the world and your place in this amazing world completely different, your purpose for being here will become a lot more clear. When you are living from your true self, you naturally start to realise your own inner potential and become a lot more being happy with who you are.

For more by Monique Catesby including Divine guidance, Spiritual healing and 1–1 Aura readings visit



Monique Catesby

Here to assist in your spiritual ascension. Energy coach, Shaman, & Clairvoyant. Join 1000+ thriving students & grow your spirituality